ISI Articles
1. Multinary metal alloys of the Heusler,
half-Heusler, dilute magnetic semiconductors, and high entropy families: how
would spin make a choice?, C.E.A.
Grigorescu, C. N. Zoita, A. Ssobetkii,
A.M. Iordache, S.M.Iordache, C. R. Stefan,
M. I. Rusu, , L. Tortet, A. Tonetto, R. Notonier,
J. Optoelectron. Adv. M. 22 (2020), 647 - 652
2. The characteristics of light (TiCrAl0.5NbCu)CxNy high entropy coatings deposited by a HiPIMS/DCMS
technique, N. C. Zoita, M. Dinu, A. C. Parau, A.
López-Ortega, I. Pana, C. E. A. Grigorescu, M. Mondragon, A. Sobetkii,
X. Almandoz, A. A. Harb, A. E. Kiss, J. M. Izurrategi, Crystals
13 (2023) 1-21, doi: 10.3390/cryst13111565
3. The effect of aluminum and nitrogen on the
properties of TiAlCrNbY multi-principal element coatings obtained by reac-tive magnetron sputter deposition, M. Dinu, A. C. Parau, A. López-Ortega, I. Pana, C. E. A.
Grigorescu, M. Mondragon, A. Sobetkii, X. Almandoz, A. A. Harb,
A. E. Kiss, J. C. Rodriguez, J. Manuel Izurrategi and N. C. Zoita,
submitted to Crystals, Manuscript ID: crystals-2131376
at international conferences
1. Low carbon and nitrogen containing
multicomponent alloys for tribological applications, N.C. Zoita, M. Dinu, A.C. Parau, A.E. Kiss, I. Pana,
A. Sobetkii, M. Mondragon, C.E.A. Grigorescu, X. Almandoz, A.
Lopez-Ortega, A.M. Iordache, J.M. Izurrategi, M.I. Rusu, L.R.
Constantin, V. Capatana, C. Bidalach, E-MRS 2022 Spring Meeting
(Virtual edition), 30 May - 03 June 2022
evaluation of low carbon and nitrogen containing multicomponent alloys - M. Dinu, A. C. Parau, I. Pana, A. E. Kiss,
A. Sobetkii, M. Mondragon, C. E. A. Grigorescu, X. Almandoz, A. H.
Alaa, A. López-Ortega, A-M. Iordache, J. M. Izurrategi, M.
I. Rusu, L. R. Constantin, V. Capatana, C. Bidalach, N. C.
Zoita, 5th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Materials
Engineering, EmergeMAT, 27-28 October 2022, Bucharest, Romania
MGM Company and Projects, A. Sobetkii, First International Conference
on Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA „Advance Structures, Materials and Electrical
Suystems” ASMES’2019, Predeal, Romania, November
20-23, 2019.
1. High entropy materials and coatings for high friction and wear resistant
surface applications, N.C. Zoita, M. Mondragon, A. Sobetkii, A.A.
Harb, M. Dinu, A.C. Parau, C.E.A. Grigorescu, X. Almandoz, A-M. Iordache, J.C.
Rodriguez, A.E. Kiss, J.M. Izurrategi, 6th International Conference on Emerging
Technologies in Materials Engineering – EmergeMAT, 9-10 November 2023, Bucuresti, Romania
2. Structural, tribological and mechanical
properties of (TiCrAl0.5NbCu)CxNy high
entropy ceramics- N. C. Zoita, M. Dinu, A. C. Parau, I.
Pana, A. E. Kiss, A. Sobetkii, M. Mondragon, C. E. A. Grigorescu,
X. Almandoz, A. H. Alaa, A. López-Ortega, A-M. Iordache, J.
M. Izurrategi, M. I. Rusu, L. R. Constantin, V. Capatana,
C. Bidalach, 5th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in
Materials Engineering, EmergeMAT, 27-28 October 2022, Bucharest, Romania
3. TiAlxCrNbY high-entropy alloy thin films deposited
by hybrid HiPIMS/DCMS/RFMS co-sputtering, M. Dinu, I.
Pana, A. E. Kiss, L. R. Constantin, X. Almandoz, A.
López-Ortega, Arcadie Sobetkii, M. Mondragon, C. E. A. Grigorescu,
C. Vitelaru, A-M. Iordache, J.
M. Izurrategi, Arcadii Sobetkii, V. Capatana,
C. Bidalach, N. C. Zoita, E-MRS 2021 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France,
May 31 – June 4 2021
4. TiCrCoNiV multicomponent coatings with
low concentration of carbon and nitrogen deposited by hybrid HiPIMS/DCMS/RFMS
technique, N. C. Zoita, M. Dinu, I. Pana, A. E. Kiss,
L. R. Constantin, X. Almandoz, A.
López-Ortega, Arcadie Sobetkii, M. Mondragon, C. E. A. Grigorescu,
C. Vitelaru, A-M. Iordache, J.
M. Izurrategi, Arcadii Sobetkii, V. Capatana,
C. Bidalach, E-MRS 2021 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, May 31 – June
4 2021
5. Nano-mechanical and nano-tribological
investigation of metallic and carbonitride TiCrCoNiV high entropy
alloys, M. Dinu, I. Pana, A. Kiss, A. López-Ortega,
X. Almandoz, M. Mondragon, A. Sobetkii, L. Constantin,
I. Boerasu, C.E.A. Grigorescu, J.M. IIzurrategi, A. Sobetkii,
V. Capatana, C. Bidalach, C. Vitelaru, N.C. Zoita, E-MRS
9th European Nanoanalysis Symposium, Oct.2020, https://www.european-mrs.com/meetings/9th-european-nanoanalysis-symposium
6. Mechanical and tribological characterization
of (TiAl0.5CrNbY)Nx high entropy alloys: from
micro- to nano-scale, I. Pana, M. Dinu, A. Kiss, A. López-Ortega,
X. Almandoz, M. Mondragon, A. Sobetkii, L. Constantin,
I. Boerasu, C.E.A. Grigorescu, J.M. IIzurrategi, A. Sobetkii,
V. Capatana, C. Bidalach, E-MRS 9th European Nanoanalysis Symposium Oct.2020, https://www.european-mrs.com/meetings/9th-european-nanoanalysis-symposium
7. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy used
for carbonitrides and oxynitrides investigation, M. Dinu, C.M. Cotrut, T. Hauffman, A. López-Ortega,
X. Almandoz, A. Vladescu, M. Braic, on-line conference
“Optoelectronics for powerful economy”, 20-22 October 2020: https://proinstitutio.inoe.ro/index.php/optoelectronics-into-a-powerful-economy/ The
paper was published in “Optoelectronics for powerful economy”, Editor,
Roxana Radvan, Editura AGIR, 2020,
ISBN 978-973-720-822-4.
8. MGM Company and Projects, A. Sobetkii, First International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA „Advance
Structures, Materials and Electrical Suystems” ASMES’2019, Predeal, Romania,
November 20-23, 2019.
1. Technological processes and coatings
processing, A. Sobetkii, The online international
workshop “Challenges in Multicomponent Alloys”, Magurele, Romania, July 24th 2020, https://www.inoe.ro/ro/noutati-si-evenimente/item/28-challenges-in-multicomponent-alloys.html;
2. Tribological characterisation-overview, M. Dinu,
The online international workshop “Challenges in Multicomponent Alloys”, Magurele,Romania, July 24th 2020, https://www.inoe.ro/ro/noutati-si-evenimente/item/28-challenges-in-multicomponent-alloys.html;
3. The art of characterisation of
multicomponent alloys, X. Almandoz, The online international
workshop “Challenges in Multicomponent Alloys”, Magurele,Romania,
July 24th 2020, https://www.inoe.ro/ro/noutati-si-evenimente/item/28-challenges-in-multicomponent-alloys.html.
Company and Projects, A, Sobetkii, IAR SA Brasov,
1. Preparation method of high entropy alloy – HEA
powders for plasma spray coatings and the obtained alloy, N.C. Zoita, C.E.A. Grigorescu, M. Dinu, A.-M. Iordache,
A.C. Parau, A.E. Kiss, I. Pana, L.R. Constantin, M.I. Rusu, 14th
Edition of EUROINVENT –
European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, Iasi, Romania, May 26-28,
2. Preparation method of high entropy alloy – HEA
powders for plasma spray coatings and the obtained alloys, N.C. Zoita, C.E.A. Grigorescu, M. Dinu, A.-M. Iordache,
A.C. Parau, A.E. Kiss, I. Pana, L.R. Constantin, M.I. Rusu,, XX-Th Edition of PROINVENT -The International Exhibition of Research,
Innovations and Inventions, Cluj-Napoca, 26-28 October 2022
1. A00728/3.12.2021, Metoda de preparare a aliajelor de entropie inalta – HEA- sub
forma de pulbere pentru acoperiri prin depunere in jet de plasma si aliajele
astfel obtinute, N.C. Zoita, C.E.A. Grigorescu, M. Dinu, A.-M. Iordache,
A.C. Parau, A.E. Kiss, I. Pana, L.R. Constantin, M.I. Rusu
2. A00815/15.12.2022, Dozator pulberi pentru plasma
spray cu efect Venturi,
A. Sobetkii, M. Visan, V. Capatina
21.12.2022 – TriboHEA review meeting. Future plans
05.12.2022 – TriboHEA project meeting
11.02.2021 – TriboHEA project meeting
24.07.2020 – TriboHEA project meeting
25.10.2019 – Kick-off meeting