Project Objectives


Main objective:

Ø  Development of thick HEA coatings for applications requiring high friction and wear resistant surfaces.


Specific objectives:

Ø  Composition design of novel HEA for applications requiring high friction and wear resistant surfaces;

Ø  Technology development for synthesis of novel HEA powder based on ball milling;

Ø  Development of process technology to enable deposition of novel thick HEA coatings for tribological applications by a thermal spraying technique;

Ø  Technology transfer to SME;

Ø  Implementation of a thermal spraying technique at the SME site;

Ø  Development of clutch disc prototypes;

Ø  To test the tribological performances of HEA coated clutch disc prototypes in dry and lubricated conditions;

Ø  To demonstrate the scalability of the coating technology;

Ø  Dissemination of the research results;



